mardi 5 mars 2013
mohammad: sakrifis
This is a beautiful video from the Mohammad forthcoming album Som Sakrifis on Pan. Mohammad is a greek trio who composed instrumental music using a cello, a contra bass and oscillators. I don't know too much about them but this mesmerizing and dark title is a very good start to know about their music better. Som Sakrifis will be released this month.
lundi 11 février 2013
hair police: mercurial rites

I am really excited about this new Hair Police's record. Mercurial Rites wasn't really expected and it is welcome. Formed by Mike Connelly, Robert Beatty and Trevor Tremaine, we haven't heard much news from Hair Police, the american noise band. Their last album was released in 2008. Since then, the members have been still active. Mike Connelly with Failing Lights and Wolf Eyes. Robert Beatty with Three Legged Race and his career as a visual artist, designing many record covers. Trevor Tremaine jamming with Warmer Milks among others. Mercurial Rites is out now on Type and it's so good.
mardi 22 janvier 2013
grouper: the man who died in his boat

Liz Harris' forthcoming album is a collection of unreleased tracks. The eleven songs on this record sound much more like ballads than her recent work. Beautiful, dark and haunting as usual. In addition, Kranky reissue Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill initially released by Grouper in 2008.
mardi 15 janvier 2013
your victorian breasts

angel olsen: sweet dreams
Sweet Dreams is the A side from the new 7" by Angel Olsen. This record is aivalable here.
mercredi 9 janvier 2013
angels in america: tooth hound sand
Check their discography on Free Music Archive. Besides their albums, you can listen to their amazing live on the WFMU radio.

I am not particularly found of Best of or whatever you call that (rewind, favorites...) but here's a list of what made me happier in 2012:
- Mirrorring Foreign Body LP (Kranky)
- Black To Comm Earth LP (De Stijl)
- Mike Wexler Dispossession LP (Mexican Summer)
- Iibiis Rouge Hespherides LP (Weird Forest)
- Grouper A/A reissue LPs (Yellow Electric)
- Le Petit Chevalier An Age Of Wonder LP (Shelter Press)
- Pete Swanson Man with Potential LP (Type)
- Raime Quarter Turns Over a Living Line LP (Blackest Ever Black)
- Swans The Seer LPs (Young God records)
- Skull Defekts 2013-3012 EP (Thrill Jockey)
- Total Control Henge Beat LP (Iron Lung)
- Alexander Tucker Third Mouth LP (ThrilL Jockey)
- Amen Dunes Ethio Covers 7" (self)
- Helm Impossible Symmetry LP (Pan)
- Chicaloyoh Les Fantômes Sortent des Racines 7" (Tamed records)
- Hive Mind A Stagnant Plague Cast Through Shallow Earth LP (Helicopter)
mercredi 28 novembre 2012
lundi 5 novembre 2012

Some years ago I received an album in my mail box called GR's Xperiments From Within The Tentacular, a fantastic psychedelic album by a french guitarist, Gregory Raimo. Being the singer for the trio Gunslingers, GR has never stopped to play a damaged rock n' roll and has also collaborated with Michael Yonkers. He finally comes back with this new album A Reverse Age out on Mexican Summer.
high wolf

I am really glad to make this show possible. Currently on tour, High Wolf will perform here with noise makers Prairie Litière and solo artist Ellah A. Thaun with her lo-fi psychedelic tunes. If by any chance you are in the area (Rouen, France), don't miss that.
mardi 2 octobre 2012
music for tom carter

This is a compilation of various artists to raise money for Tom Carter's recovery. He has been hospitalized in Berlin last summer for a pneumonia. Tom Carter is a drone guitarist who has co-founded Charalambides (with Christina Carter) and has collaborated with various musicians and bands including Thurston Moore, Bardo Pond, Zaika, Inca Ore... Find more info here.
lundi 1 octobre 2012
demons: life destroyer
This is an extract of Life Destroyer dvd by Alivia Zivich for the viusals and Nate Young for the sound. This is not really new, it was released few years ago on AA records (Wolf Eyes'label) and certainly out of print now.
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