mercredi 28 septembre 2011

circuit des yeux

Circuit des Yeux Portrait is one of the most beautiful record of 2011. Haley Fohr plays a dark and beautiful folk, influenced by blues, no-wave and folk musicians. The video for 3311 has been directed by Robert Beatty, the visual artist and musician (Hair Police...). Portrait has been released on De Stijl records.

lee noble: horrorism

This is an extract from Lee Noble's last full length Horrorism on Bathetic records. This album is a collection of dark, lo-fi drone almost mixed with pop songs.

wooden shjips: lazy bones

Video created by the members of Black Dice for Lazy Bones from the last Wooden Shjips album.

lundi 26 septembre 2011

vendredi 23 septembre 2011

sic alps was here

Sic Alps live at Emporium Galorium, Rouen. Photo by Patrice Vibert.

mercredi 14 septembre 2011

sic alps: european tour and new 7"

Sic Alps is currently on tour in Europe. They will be in France next week. Check the tour dates here. In addition to that, a new 7" will be released at the end of september on Drag City.

charalambides: exile

I am really happy to learn the return of Tom and Christina Carter as Charalambides. Exile will be out on Kranky soon.

Before You Go